Why I choose to work at Microsoft over Google

Adi Stein Ben-Nun
4 min readNov 17, 2019


Two weeks ago, I started working at Microsoft as a cloud advocacy program manager for the Middle East and Africa.

I was fortunate to complete the hiring process in some fantastic companies. I passed the interviews at Google, Microsoft, and some promising startups. I also offered to join as a co-founder of new initiatives.

Choosing the next step in my career was a dilemma.

I’ve experienced both corporate life and startups rollercoasters. (Worked at Intel, founded my own startup, managed startups incubator and worked as a PM in a cutting edge startup).
I was after the lookout for the exciting role that will both challenge and empower me. As I’ve realized I want to wake up every morning motivated, happy, working with the top-notch engineers and business people out there. I want to drive to work knowing that my actions will move some needles in the world.

A few years back, I wouldn’t even think of working at Microsoft. Thinking of Microsoft back then equaled to me to work in a giant corporation that lacks agility and innovation. In recent years, it seems like Microsoft is managing to re-invent itself, and it’s all starts with the companies mission statement.

Google's mission statement vs. Microsoft’s

Microsoft, in a sense, became a people company instead of a product company.

While I was juggling between the companies interviews,
A senior manager at Google (which I admire) told me: “Adi, you know, I wish you won’t pass the interview process… I hope that you would be able to pursue your activity in the Israeli ecosystem to promote women”.

Her comment changed something in me. While interviewing the different companies, I was looking for THE company that shares the same values and missions as I am.

While interviewing at Microsoft, I was amazed by the amount of attention and the importance that Microsoft sees in the inclusion and diversity subject. (I was even given a 15 min thinking and planning task during one of the interviews).

As a woman in tech and especially in the lonely women entrepreneurs’ scene, I find it much essential to empower more women in tech.
I am volunteering as much as I can activities. Those are my favorite activities:

LeadWith: Mentoring session at LeadwWith. (LeadWith is a non-profit organization focused on empowering and promoting women in tech.)

Project Mehamemet: an initiative to motivate 9th-grade female students to study computer science. Mentor female entrepreneurs in their early stages.

Merage 45+ and women startup competition: I’ve co-managed Merage Institute 45+ and women startup competition. The competition promotes entrepreneurship and innovation among the 45+ and women at any age community, as well as strengthens connections between Israeli entrepreneurs and the U.S. markets. The winner receives the support of $100,000 in funding and a seat in the exclusive two weeks Merage Institute ‘Innovation Bridge Intensive Program’ in California.

So, a company that shares the same mission as me — CHECKED
But what about my other requirements?

As a DevRel program manager, I’m responsible for growing Microsoft’s influence and contributions to the MEA developer community. Working with advocates to identify top influencers and communities applicable to our business, build deeper relationships with them, and stay abreast of significant trends in technology.

I am a true believer that it’s all about the people and thrilled to work with people that work on things that they are passionate about.
There are many CDAs spread globally, and three amazing CDAs located in Israel. (Adi Polak, Aaron (Ari) Bornstein, Shmuela Jacobs)

Global CDAs (Yea, this is Hebrew in the map :) )

The bottom line, both companies are amazing — both have changed the world and the way we live. Working for both companies is an honor and a privilege.

I am happy to start my journey in Microsoft, especially in this exciting time where there is an enormous opportunity in MEA for cloud technology to be the key driver of economic development, as well as provide solutions to issues such as youth employability, education, and healthcare.

I love being part of a team doing big things and changing the game!
Let the journey begin!

📝 Read this story later in Journal.

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Adi Stein Ben-Nun

Microsoft DevRel PM — MEA | New Mom | Tech Ecosystem Promoter | Public Speaker | Merage Alumni Co-director